The Lego film 酥皮好可爱啊啊啊啊啊啊啊 为什么Bruce你有这么多手铐啊哈哈哈(打击哥谭犯罪几十年) 谢谢正在谈(酥皮你和Bruce闪瞎了靠) Need any help? Booyah 酥皮一下子摔了哈哈哈哈B你不心疼下你老婆吗心机boy 心机B救命哈哈哈 老爷一跳一跳的小斗篷好萌 救命老爷真的好心机哈哈哈哈哈 你就陪你老婆玩吗 我们正在被做成表 酥皮晕晕好可爱 乐高真的好可爱啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊
episode 4 and 10 are absolutely amazing. the craziess surrounding Sam in episode ten is the revelation that Mom Rocks! laurie anderson's O Superman creates a feeling of things are quiet and also getting out of control at the same time. MOM IS SUPERMAN! fantastic!